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Niko Bauer

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Doug Bell

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Lasse Alexandersson, Guy Allen, Ad Bastiaanssen, Bendrix, Derek Bland This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Ray F. Caldwell, David Chance, Nate Edmonds Jr., Andre Ellis, Steve Guarnori at, Chris Harwood, Frank Howard, Dave Jones, Yazid Manou, Chris Moise, Gabe Monago, Kees de Lange, R.MacNeill, Phil Milstein, Mike Parker, Håkan Persson, Rob Pietrangeli, Pauli Pilvi, John Ridley This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Steven Roby, Steven Rosen, Gary Serkin, Dirk Serneels, Sharon Soul, Souldoggie, Soulpatrol, Southernsoul yahoo group (, Peter Strömbäck, Ad Tingle, Ken Voss and The Zombies yahoo group (

Atlantic Records Discography Vols. 1 & 2 (compiled by Michel Ruppli)
Dream Boogie - The Triumph Of Sam Cooke (book by Peter Guralnick)
Electric Gypsy (book by Harry Shapiro & Caesar Glebbeek)
Goldmine Price Guide to 45 Records - 2nd Edition (book by Tim Neely)
Jimpress (UK Hendrix fanzine, editor Steve Rodham)
The Official Price Guide to Records - 2000 (book by Jerry Osborne)
Setting the Record Straight (book by John McDermott & Eddie Kramer)
Univibes (Italian Hendrix fanzine, editor Caesar Glebbeek)

And a whole lotta other www-sites, books, record labels, covers & liner notes...