Jimi spent a few weeks or months in Atlanta in 1964, as far as we know staying at the same address 318 Fort Street, Apartment 3, N.E. (Northeast) Atlanta for the whole duration.
We know what his address in the city was as Jimi send a postcard to his father giving it to him.
Postcard to Al Hendrix send while on tour with the Bonnevilles, stamped Thursday 8 October 1964 in Cincinnati, Ohio:
" Dear Dad. Here we are in Florida, we're going to play in Tampa tomorrow - then Miami, we're playing all through the south. We'll end up in Dallas Texas. My home address is Atlanta. I hope everyone's ok tell Grama in Canada hi for me. Tell Leon to be kool and go to school. I must run now - take it easy - My address is 318 Fort St. APT. 3 Atlanta Ga. Jimmy"
See the Lee Moses Intro -page for more information on Jimi's stay in Atlanta.
I could not find a contemporary map that would have noted the exact house numbers of the buildings, the are plenty of old maps of Atlanta but these do not include individual houses or house numbers. Instead I had to compare the old maps to a slightly newer aerial picture in order to work out the approximate area where 318 Fort Street was located. 1 I believe I got it right but if anyone can prove me wrong or can pinpoint the exact house in the aerial photo please do email me at
The address 318 Fort Street does not exist anymore and a part of Fort Street has been wiped out entirely to make room for a motorway intersection. The former location of 318 Fort Street is now a part of Central Park Northeast and based on comparing the 1949 aerial photo to the 2021 one on Google Maps all of the houses that were there in 1949 (and very likely those that were there in 1964) have been demolished, only the lay-out of the streets remains approximately the same. 2


1 Trying to find the location on the map was quite tricky. I could not find any maps close to the 1964 date which would show the exact location of 318 so I had to deduct it via several steps:
A 1926 house numbering map of Atlanta explains the system used to number the houses, this allowed me to find the 300-400 range of house numbers on Fort Street: https://vault.georgiaarchives.org/digital/collection/hmf/id/60/
A 1930 Atlanta house numbering map https://digitalcollections.library.gsu.edu/digital/collection/afpl/id/40 uses the same numbering grid (but omitted the explanation for it) so I used that for determining the approximate location of 318 Fort Street. The 300-range of numbers starts just before Fort Street ends and Bedford Road starts.
The streets are still the same on a 1961 map: https://digitalcollections.library.gsu.edu/digital/collection/afpl/id/24/rec/1
The Georgia State University website has a 1949 aerial photo of Atlanta overlaid on a modern day street map at https://geo.library.gsu.edu/overlay/atlaerial/asa000la/ (the lever on the left fades the aerial picture in & out).
Comparing the 1930 map to the aerial photo from 1949 overlaid by GSU enabled me to find the approximate former location of 318 Fort Street in current day Atlanta.
So there were many steps to take, and as usual the longer the chain of deductions the more chance there is of making a mistake. If you spot one please get in touch.
2 The address 318 Fort Street still existed in 1971 as a funeral notice for "Mrs. Ophelia Harris, of 318 Fort St. N.E., Atlanta" was published in the 10 June 1971 issue of the Atlanta Constitution.