Released in USA
Titles: My Diary / Utee - 7" single
My Diary - (Arthur Lee)
Utee - (Rosa Lee Brooks, Billy Revis)
Producer: Billy Revis
Release date: June 1965 (1)
Label: Revis Records
Catalog number: 1013
Matrix A: RR-1013-A
Matrix B: RR-1013-B
Exists in 2 different versions:
- Stock copy (red & black label)
- With text: "Promotional Not For Sale" (red & white label)
1 From the 5 June 1965 issue of Billboard:
"Malynn Products is releasing singles by four small Los Angeles labels - Enduca, Revis, Trudel and Money. Artists include Jimmy Nichols on Enduca; Rosa Lee Brooks, Revis; Chris Myers, Trudel, and Betty Swan and the Larks on Money"