Interviews - Mike Rashkow
This wasn't really an interview. Mike Rashkow worked as an engineer at Studio "76" in 1966 (see Locations - 1650 Broadway), and while I did call him 16 February 2005 I didn't have the opportunity to tape the conversation, and Mr. Rashkow said that everything he knows about Studio "76" and Ed Chalpin was already in the article that he wrote for Spectropop, so we settled for a rather nice general chat. While it's not entirely true that he had nothing to add (he did give me some valuable info during the call, included at relevant spots elsewhere on the site) the article he wrote is extensive, and better yet fun to read. So follow this link:

Mike Rashkow says he never met Hendrix, he worked at Studio "76" for about 6 months, and this would seem to have been just before or (more likely) right after the period that Hendrix recorded there. Studio "76" personnel at the time included Rashkow, a tech guy taking care of the equipment ("George"), a secretary and at night Chalpin leased the studio for sessions to Latin producer Vincent Cartagena.